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(2021 – 2023)

I stand atop my idling motorbike with my arms raised to the heavens. I scream out with joy. A vast landscape stretches out in all directions toward a beckoning horizon. I haven’t seen anyone in days. A strong wind buffets my elevated position and I absorb its power. It all feels like some kind of victory… This moment, two decades ago in remote Patagonia, has stayed with me. Like a treasured keepsake that I pull out every so often to raise my spirits. Solitude for me does not relate to loneliness. It is about a deliberate pairing back. A shedding of the superfluous. It is freedom.

This series of artworks was created from source material I captured while hiking around the Mediterranean Sea. The following is an excerpt from my sketchbook at the time: “Surrendering my thoughts I am now led by my senses. The connection I make with my surroundings becomes deeper. I respond with my camera and an unspoken dialogue ensues. The crackle of my footsteps is suddenly the only sound. My mind is calm, peaceful. I am exactly where I need to be.”

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